What Participants Have Said
Steve is a rare gem. Compassionate, understanding and knowledgeable, he works and lives with absolute integrity. He is able to hold both the strength and gentleness necessary to help people make positive change in their lives. The love he has for his work and seeing others benefit from his help is palpable. / hold Steve with the highest regard and highly recommend sessions and workshops with him.
– Isiah McKimmie
Whenever others spoke of spirituality and sexuality being married together, I cringed on the inside. Because / did not understand it and definitely did not fee/ it in my body.
With Steve / was easily able to slip into a space where I was able to look at the parts of me that had shut down my sexuality and were scared of it.
Steve is tenacious – not letting my ego get away with anything, and making me hold myself accountable to all the parts of me that needed nurturing. His ability to intuitively know the best possible thing to say in any moment is uncanny. The session was truly beautiful and flowed with ease and grace.
Steve allows all to unfold without any sense of the need to push through issues, or get something done – my divine feminine was in bliss as she was allowed to express herself. Much thanks to a great healer.
– Michaali- 39 years
In my experience, Steve is able to hold a safe space for deeper issues to come up and be resolved. He’s really present and the therapeutic process seems to happen effortlessly, like there’s a magic to it. His level of training, facilitation skills with men’s groups, and the personal work on his own issues is evident. / trust Steve and fully recommend him.
– Martin, Carpenter, 40